Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Snow Day!!!

Yep! It snowed a little and the kids had a snow day! LOL! It's nothing like Omaha snow! you can go out and enjoy the snow because it's not that cold. anyways, the day was spent playing in the snow and drinking hot chocolate and watching movies. Now I just hope that they have school tomorrow because they are going to have there little Christmas party.

Here is the snow man that Jaden made.

And here are some pics from his little school christmas program.
can you tell which one is Jaden? he's the only little white boy! lol
his class is so cute!!


Jeannette said...

wow snow? We haven't had any here in Memphis yet and probably won't. Wow Jaden really is the minority huh! Looks like a cute Christmas program.

belliesue said...

Can we share some of our snow with you when you run out? Spencer keeps on getting lost in it. We loved your card. Tanner put Jaden's picture on the wall by his bed. He asked me tonight if there was a fire if it was okay if he grabbed Jaden before getting out. I told him I think that would be okay. Take care!!

Jessica said...

Looks like fun! Sure wish you guys were coming up for Christmas!

aquabatgirl said...

that makes me laugh they closed school for such a little bit of snow